I(q) function calculator
This Javascript calculates the scattering curve I(q) of concentric shell models (ellipsoid or cylinder). Enter the number of shells, the values for the radius R(i) and semi-axis Rz(i) (z is in the axis of rotation) and the corresponding electron-density c(i) (between R(i) and R(i-1)). For Nr points I(q) from q = q1 to qz with a scaling factor f will be calculated. P is the number of points used for the numerical integration. The values are listed in I(q) vs q or log(I(q)) vs q in arbitrary units and can be copied and pasted from the window into any text-file for further processing and graphical displaying.

Input I(q)
shells f P
Nr q1 qz
R(1) Rz(1) c(1)
R(2) Rz(2) c(2)
R(3) Rz(3) c(3)
R(4) Rz(4) c(4)
R(5) Rz(5) c(5)
R(6) Rz(6) c(6)

I(q) vs q
log I(q) vs q

Author: M.Kriechbaum, IBR (2000), e-mail: manfred.kriechbaum@tugraz.at